
swooning over art & ideas

I love, love, love the artist, designer, and person extraordinaire, Maira Kalman. When I lived in NYC she was one of the people I got to meet via my job at the Museum. She was amazing. Her work wowed me then and wows me now. Her children's books are genius-written equally for the child and the adult, and she has done a lot of memorable covers for the New Yorker. Her illustrations always hit a very unusual mark for me in terms of art. They are whimsical and sweet yet sophisticated and smart.

I am thrilled to discover that she is doing a monthly visual blog on the NY Times website called "And the Pursuit of Happiness" exploring themes of America and American democracy through her quirky mind. I am loving it! All the entries are extraordinary but this one called Can Do about Ben Franklin and American Invention-ism made me swoon. Check it out. It may be a little off topic for me, but I think this piece and Kalman in general is a great nod on the side of abundance; in spirit, in deed, and in your heart. Hope you enjoy.


  1. This reminded me of something Carl Sagan said: "If you wish to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe."

  2. Thanks for posting. I went and read the Can Do about Ben Franklin, what an inspiration! Thanks again.

