
winter cleaning

i just returned from a little trip with my family. it was a great change of scenery for me and the kids and a hit of much needed sunshine. we've had endless grey days this winter and it felt positively shocking to have the sun on my skin and sand in my toes.

i've said this before, but there is nothing like going somewhere (especially with little kids in tow) to make you appreciate going nowhere. it feels so nice and relaxing to be back at home. i've been puttering all day today; looking through closets and doing some much needed straightening and purging. i have been on a big kick to eliminate all the under utilized things that roost. i always think i've already done this and yet i keep finding ways to refine and pare down in every room of the house. it must be mood or bank balance related; sometimes i can let go and sometimes i can't!

we live in a culture where we all have things we keep but never use. plenty of storage is one of the top attributes in a home these days, for heaven's sake. we are well beyond the bare necessities and far into multiples, and bedecking and bedazzling, and cherries on top. going to the thrift store is amazing on so many levels. there is the whole generosity of spirit part--wow, people gave all these things up to those in need. but there is also a part that is pretty freaky to consider. if all these things are here because someone didn't need them anymore, it probably means they have plenty of things to spare. and it also means there is just that much stuff out there in the world that things can literally be homeless, without an owner. our world is overflowing with goods as far as i can tell. bins and piles and aisles and pallets, truck trailers, and shipping containers...it's endless. we're swimming in a sea of items these days and it has become no small task just to keep our literal things managed.

i've started asking myself some pretty strict questions when i'm sorting through drawers or closets. when is the last time i used/wore/admired/loved this? it has been five years, will i truly ever patch this moth hole in this sweater? in reality, will i ever bake a bunny shaped cake? do i really need so many vases? sentimental stuff is clearly the hardest to part with. i'm especially prone to cling when it comes to clothes. they remind me of different eras and choices of my life and i find it really hard to admit that i'm past it or that i simply could never squeeze back into it! when i really assess my stuff and force myself to admit that i don't need it for reasons xyz, i'm almost always relieved. and it even feels good. i finally got wise and started a few bins for donations to good will, things to sell, and things to pass along to friends. it makes the purging and sorting feel organized and less about piles that sit and waste away and get forgotten once again. and this way if i don't get around to going to good will or sending clothes off to my sister's little girl right away, i know the exact spot to go to when i'm ready to tackle the errand.

the "things to sell" category may take some people by surprise, but i am a big utilizer of websites like craigslist, ebay, and our local Utah KSL classifieds. sure i could send everything to good will and still feel really good about it, but, for me, selling some of the "good stuff" i no longer want makes me feel like i'm really putting a value on what i have. and i like that; it means i respect the attainment and the disposal and that means something to me. and of course earning back a little cash from the things we've previously bought is nice too. but my favorite part is that, in general, the person who responds to my ad is really looking for that particular item so i know it will go to good use.

if you are interested in taking your stuff management to the next level, i think the site unclutterer has a lot of valuable tidbits and advice.

today i kept thinking i was onto something....why doesn't everyone say winter cleaning instead of spring cleaning? who wants to stay inside and clean and organize when its blue and dazzling out? in my book this is the perfect realm of activity for these cold, grey days!

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